HomeSchool Mom of 8



How To Make A Child Feel secure

February 9, 2018 Adrienne Brown 0 Comments

Have you ever wondered what is a proven formula for making your child feel safe and secure?

What about how to help them to soar through childhood fears or even through abstract adversity?

We all want our children to have beautiful childhoods and safe environments.

So we accept that it is our duty to help our children to feel safe and secure. As a parent, we know that it is our responsibility to provide for their every need.

I haven’t always known how to be a good mother nor did I ever give it much thought. I just figured that a child would be the result of an intimate relationship between a man and a woman.

Hey, don’t judge me. I am sure many of you never really thought that deeply about the young lives that you are responsible for today.

Yet, God has changed my mindset as I have walk in the role of mom. I have learned that this is an absolutely necessary job, and it is also a very hard job.

But as my husband and I have fumbled through the stages of being parents, we have learned a few key truths.

The fundamentals of making a child feel secure are simple.

There have been at least 5 similarities in all of the young lives that my husband and I have nurtured. The methods that we use are not new, but they continue to help us motivate our kids.

Our goals for all of them is forward mobility and excellence.

The first way to make a child feel secure

Help your kids to believe that they are vital to God and to you. I could discern that all of my children had a need to feel like they where necessary.

Do you understand what I mean when I say this? They need to be validated and deemed important.

I have felt this hunger inside my own spirit. The need to feel necessary. This is a real need that all souls long for.

So we have to give them that validation by helping them to find themselves.

As parents, we must help them to find their purpose, their individual mission.

A child feels secure when he knows that he has a home.

All of my children needed to know that they had a home to call their own. My biological kids and my adopted kids. It made them know that they belonged to the unit.

A safe and secure home gives a person a sense of foundational wholeness. Just as your physical home sits on its concrete foundation, your children must have a concrete foundation within their being.

Give them security by giving God

All of these young people yearned for spiritual fulfilment. Ultimately, they want to know who is in charge of their lives.

You must point them towards God. Otherwise, they will splinter, flying off into a cosmic universe, seeking to be one with it instead.

Provide for their basic needs to make them feel secure

All of these young souls need to have their basic needs met. Not super expensive things, just the basics.

As parents, we have to get that straight. It’s not the price of a thing, or the abundance of it.

But it is a wise parent that accepts the fact that their child’s basic hunger must be provided for. They need to eat, have a place to sleep, clothes on their backs and shoes on their feet.

None of that need to be designer names, just the basics.

In conclusion, they need security to feel secure

Our kids all wanted security. They had to know within their very bones that we were always going to be there.

As long as it depended upon us, we would be there. Every time they blinked their eyes, they would find us.

How to make a child feel secure

These are actions that will cost you no money, just time and dedication. Things that you have within you.

If you are looking to keep them safe and secure, do the above-mentioned things, and they will trust your direction and treasure your opinions.

If you would like to read about our parenting and homeschooling journey with our older sons here is a link to my book:


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HomeSchool Mom of 8