5 businesses you can do with your kids in tow!
December 9, 2017 Adrienne Brown 0 Comments
Yes, as a mom with children, it is possible to run a profitable business while you are staying home with your own children.
Think about it, in many households, women have had to find ways to help their husbands make ends meet for decades, centuries for that matter.
I can even think of a woman from the Bible, “She considers a field and bought it”. Now I don’t know what her husband did, but it is clear that she was a businesswoman.
This is very dear to my heart because I have always wanted to run a business and after having children, the desire to stay home with them became very strong.
So much so, that it drove me into entrepreneurship. I had to find a way to create an income from my home, so that I could nurture my own young children.
1. The first business that I started was a Daycare/pre-school.
Yes, I figured if I was going to care for other children all day that my own needed to learn, grow, and mature.
That’s why I chose this method of running a childcare/preschool, it helped me ensure that my kids were ready for school as well. After talking with some of my friends who were already doing this very thing, picking their brains for information.
Then going to a few of my local Goodwill’s, yard sales, church sales, and friends, I had gathered enough beautiful stuff to set up a learning room in my 3 bedroom apartment.
After setting up everything, and getting the proper licensing, Adrienne’s Family Daycare, was ready for business.
2. The second business was Cleaning
My husband and I did this one together. All the while, our children would sit in clear view coloring or playing with their toys.
If at all possible, look for daycare centers, senior centers, production theater houses, churches, and offices with open conference rooms. That way you can take your kids with you as you work. In the beginning, we would detail personal residences but realized early on that this was riskier with kids.
We certainly didn’t want to have to pay back money for something that was broken. So we put private homes on hold. When the kids got older we branched out to cleaning for builders of newly constructed homes and commercial buildings.
This kind of work is very rewarding financially.
3. Third business Farmers Market/ Festivals
Now, this is my favorite. I love doing Farmers markets and festivals because I get to meet so many people. It is fast-moving work, and you can really make some good money. Of course, you have to decide what you are going to sell.
Now if you like traveling around a little, then do festivals. Wine festivals, street festivals, harvest festival and on and on. There are so many to choose from on any day of the week.
4. Fourth business Creating and selling products
Now this one will take some money and some brain work. I mean if you don’t know how to make anything already, you will need to learn.
Believe me, everything that I make and sell now, I didn’t know about beforehand. Yet, I practiced on myself and my family, until I came up with products that we loved. Then I started letting my friends and relatives use them, their reactions gave me the incentive needed to push forward. Now some of my products are in Wholefoods, Rebecca’s (a locally owned health store), Orange Art Center and many other Locally owned stores in my area.
5. Fifth business Hauling
Now, this is a business that my husband and sons did more so than I did. I helped to locate some of the jobs, and they did the work.
If you have a truck, hauling things can be very profitable. This will work even if you don’t have a truck, you can rent one if needed.
There is always a need for hauling. Someone is always needing to move things to and from their homes, churches.
Colleges student are always looking for help to haul things. We have been hired to take items to the dump for families, and businesses.
Bonus business Idea: Dog sitting or Grooming
I have a friend who does this as a full-time job, she can’t keep up with the work it is in such a demand. People are tired of paying the high prices at brick and mortar businesses, so that’s where you can offer an alternative solution.
That’s if you love animals! There you go, 5, no, 6 ways to make money, while you learn and grow with your children, and build lifetime memories with them. All while you get to stay home and nurture your own family.
This was a gift that I enjoyed and I will always treasure it within my soul. There were a lot of, rough days hard, long and downright dirty.
Yet, with the above-mentioned businesses, my husband and I have been able to watch our sons grow, and help them to adulthood. For that opportunity, I wouldn’t trade in a single moment.
I pray that you will find some of these ideas helpful,
Love You