HomeSchool Mom of 8


Tag - Homeschooling

November 26, 2024

Discovering Montpelier: A Journey Through History and Beyond

Discovering Montpelier isn’t just a window into the past; but a journey through history and beyond. A field trip here is like a bridge connecting history, nature, and personal reflection....


October 14, 2023

My Journey Towards Homeschooling

Starting towards my homeschooling journey meant confronting the unfamiliar. It all started during a seemingly ordinary morning trip to the local Safeway store.  I had an encounter that would forever...


September 5, 2023

The Surprising Benefits of Homeschooling – Why You Should Consider It

With these surprising benefits of homeschooling, it’s no wonder homeschooling has become increasingly popular these days among parents looking for alternative ways to educate their children. While some people still...

Fall Fun

August 12, 2023

10 Homeschool Fall Fun Activities

10 homeschool fall fun activities to do as the vibrant colors of fall unfold all around us. Fall is the perfect time to incorporate the beauty and diversity of this...

August 6, 2023

How to Start Your Homeschool Day Right

How to start your homeschool day right is what this blog is all about! You know it’s a brand new day to start your first homeschool adventure with your elementary-age...

August 5, 2023

Steps to Start Homeschooling

To start homeschooling take these 5 simple steps that I will explain in this blog. If you follow them thoroughly you will be headed for a wonderful homeschooling adventure. Step...


August 3, 2023

When Homeschooling Goes Wrong

When homeschooling goes wrong the homeschool parent is always suspect, but raising children is a difficult task in all lifestyles. Yet, it seems extremely challenging when it comes to imparting...

Five fundamental pillars for achieving success in homeschool

August 1, 2023

Five Fundamental Pillars for Achieving Success in Homeschooling

Five fundamental pillars for achieving success in our homeschool are as follows: We have applied these fundamental actions to our homeschooling for the past 27 years and they have worked....

July 31, 2023

AAU Sports Getting Your Homeschooled Kids On A Team

AAU sports Getting your kids in is easier than you know. Are you a homeschool parent of an aspiring athlete? Do you want to make their dreams come true but...

From college and Beyond

May 8, 2023

From College and Beyond

Achieving Homeschooling Success Criticizing and underestimating homeschooling is a common problem. However, we have had homeschooling success from college and beyond. Our family’s experience proves that homeschooling can lead to...

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HomeSchool Mom of 8