HomeSchool Mom of 8


Tag - Homeschooling

Shenandoah Mountains Field Trip

November 28, 2016

Shenandoah Mountains Field Trip

Hiking white Oak Canyon Our Shenandoah Mountain field trip meant that we had to put down the books and strap on some good hiking boots! We were throwing it all...

Teach your kids about God

April 24, 2015

How to teach kids about God

When I was a young mom, during the elementary days of homeschooling, I wanted to know how to teach my kids about God. My main concern for their education was...

April 7, 2015

Our Dissecting Classes

Dissecting can be fun! One year my family joined a co-op that was started by one of my dear friends. This co-op was interesting because it offered science classes with...

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HomeSchool Mom of 8