HomeSchool Mom of 8


Fall Fun

10 Homeschool Fall Fun Activities

August 12, 2023 Adrienne Brown 0 Comments

10 homeschool fall fun activities to do as the vibrant colors of fall unfold all around us. Fall is the perfect time to incorporate the beauty and diversity of this season into your homeschooling routine.

From visiting botanical gardens to conducting pumpkin math sessions, these activities are not only educational but also foster a deeper appreciation of nature and the changing seasons.

  1. Leaf chromatography
  2. Bird watching
  3. Fall Gardening
  4. Scarecrows
  5. Botanical garden
  6. Pumpkin math
  7. Leaf rubbing
  8. Scavenger hunt
  9. Home-made bird feeder
  10. Apple bobbing

Fun with leaves and birds

Leaf Chromatography: This is a simple science experiment that can help kids understand how different pigments produce the vibrant colors of fall leaves.

All you need are some colorful fresh leaves, small jars, rubbing alcohol, coffee filters, scissors, tape, and pencils.

Pour the alcohol into the jars, and place just the bottom of the leaves in the alcohol. Let the leaves sit for about 20 minutes.

Now prep your coffee filter by drawing designs on them with a pencil. Now fold the coffee filter the long way twice.

Next, place the leaves on top of the filters taping them so they do not move. Allow the coffee filters to dry completely.

Once the leaves are dry, remove them from the filter then open the filter, and voila! Look at your beautiful design.

This fun activity teaches your child about plant physiology while showing them how to create beautiful artwork.

Bird Watching: Fall is a great time for bird watching as many species migrate south. This activity can be combined with lessons on geography and animal behavior.

Especially if you live close to a national park or a bird sanctuary this activity is so much fun.

Gardening fun

Create a Fall Garden: Gardening in the fall can be a great way to learn about different plants and how they change throughout the seasons.

You can plant and grow your own delicious foods to enjoy over the winter. Plus, it’s a fun hands-on activity that can be enjoyed by all ages.

Scarecrow Building: A fun and practical activity

Building a scarecrow can be a creative project, and it also serves to keep unwelcome critters out of your fall garden.

Get some old pants and a shirt, stuff it with straw, and place it on a pole. Your scarecrow will make those little critters think twice about eating in your fall garden.

Botanical gardens and pumpkin patches

Visit a Botanical Garden: Botanical gardens are brimming with learning opportunities. They offer a chance to explore a wide variety of plants, trees, and sometimes even animals.

Children can learn about botany, biodiversity, and conservation. Your kids can bring their sketchbooks along and do some awesome sketching.

For all of your photographers in the family, grab those tripods and cameras to capture the beauty of the garden.

Pumpkin Math: Use pumpkins for teaching and reinforcing math concepts. Measure the weight, height, and circumference of different pumpkins and have your child record and compare the data.

After you have done the math, bake the pumpkins to make pumpkin pie and roasted seeds.

Hunting for just the right thing

Fall Leaf Rubbings: This is a fun and artistic activity. Collect leaves of different shapes and sizes, place a piece of paper over them, and rub them with crayons or colored pencils to create leaf imprints.

This can also be a great way to discuss the concept of ‘imprints’ and ‘textures’ in nature.

Nature Hike Scavenger Hunt: Make a list of fall-related items for your children to find during a nature hike. For example different types of leaves, pinecones, or certain animals.

This engages their observation skills, and they will enjoy the challenge of finding all the items on the list.

Here is a game to help spark those scavenger hunt juices!

Find and Seek Outside Scaveneger Hunt Game

Delicious activities for you and your flighty friends

Homemade Bird Feeders: As the weather gets colder, many birds struggle to find food. You can help by making homemade bird feeders.

All you need are some pine cones, peanut butter, birdseed, and string. Covering the pine cone in peanut butter and birdseed creates a delicious treat for the birds.

Hang it up in your backyard and enjoy bird-watching!

Apple Bobbing: An age-old game that’s still a hit with kids and adults alike. The concept is simple – fill a tub with water, throw in some apples, and try to grab one using only your teeth.

This activity is not just fun but also teaches kids about buoyancy and density.

Remember, I only recommend this game being played just with your immediate family. Also, you can get those extra apples from a fun visit to your local apple orchard like this one.

*Bonus Activity*

For those of you who have backyard chickens like we do! Lol

Chicken Leaf Run: Once your leaves finish displaying their brilliant colors, rake them in big, fluffy piles. Sprinkle some of their yummy chicken food over the piles, then turn your chickens loose to run through the leaves.

Be sure to have your camera ready to capture this funny bone fun.

In conclusion, these are just a few of the countless ways to bring some fun, interactive activities into your homeschool during the fall season.

Each of these activities offers a unique way to integrate learning with the natural world, opening up discussions about botany, math, art, and more.

So, take advantage of this beautiful season and create memorable learning experiences that your children will cherish.

Happy Homeschooling!

If you need help with starting homeschooling or getting your focus back check out my book:

“Homeschooling the Littles”

#Fall fun activites#field trips#Homeschooling

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HomeSchool Mom of 8