Brighten up your day in 4 meaningful ways
January 15, 2021 Adrienne Brown 0 Comments
Looking out at the landscape of my yard makes me shiver. Yes, it is officially winter and I can’t help but think of coldness, darkness, and isolation.

Some parallels from winter
Winter is a season that is needed on the earth, God knows exactly why. Sometimes we don’t understand, but our lack of understanding is not the most important issue.
Yet we do need to understand how the effects of sin can cause us to feel like winter.
Before rising out of my warm bed this morning this cold winter got me to thinking of parallels. Because when I threw the blankets from over my body there was an instant chill.
It was so cold that I had to force myself out of bed. I’m usually a person that can get up, without much prompting from anything.
But this particular morning, I didn’t want to brave the cold.
Thoughts about how much I hated winter, made me think about how much I hate sin.

Who can brighten up our winter days
Yes, in a lot of ways winter is so much like sin, it’s cold, it’s dark, and it causes isolation.
Some of the coldest and darkest times in my life, was when I was dealing with some kind of sinful thing, spiritual warfare.
Not just my own sin, but situations that any of my children had to deal with. Likewise, sin problems dogging the steps of immediate family members.
As winter can do to some, sin will put you in a depressing frame of mind. Without counsel, you will slip deeply into the darkness and began to separate yourself from others.
As white, snowy days can give us temporary pleasure, so to, some sins.
Yet the aftermath is what wreaks havoc in our lives.
So to prevent these things we must be diligent and active, with our spiritual lives. We must work hard to stay in the sunlight, as we bask in the Son’s light, who is the light of the world.
Something else to brighten up your day
Try these meaningful ways to prevent sin’s winter-like coldness from overtaking your days.
Think of your kids
When I think of my kids it brightens my day. I remember that my life is very important to their survival. I understand that they love me and need me.

Think of others to brighten your day
1. Count your blessings, name them one by one. Seems simple or maybe even stupid but it will change your thought patterns.
2. Remember that there is always someone out there who needs you and that you can help.
3. Fortify your thoughts with empowering scriptures
4. God is likened to a consuming fire -Allow His presence to fill your total being.

Do all things with a mindset of prayer
Do this with prayer, talk to Him as if He is constantly walking alongside you-Because He is. He will cause sin and winter lows, alike to flee from you.
I believe that our ability to discern the voice of God is extremely important to our sanity. In fact I know it was the only way that I persevered through all of my dark days.
Therefore, I wrote down most of my thoughts and prayers to help me keep my mind in order. Let me recommend this short devotional that is sure to help you recognize Gods voice in your day to day walk.
Clear eyes, full hearts