HomeSchool Mom of 8


The Best Fun Homeschool Science Tools

The Best Fun Homeschool Science Tools

September 18, 2020 Adrienne Brown 0 Comments

Listed below are some of the best fun homeschool Science Tools that I have used for the past 24 + years.

If you want to know what to use for science when you have various elementary grade levels then read on!

 Let me assure you that teaching multiple grade levels will not always be easy, and some days it will be downright frustrating, but you can do it!


 That is why I want to share the following homeschool science tools. They have been extremely important in my homeschooling science journey.

Science books

Science Text

 Abeka Science k 5 is our main source because it is written from a Christian perspective and it is extremely thorough.

 Most importantly, Abeka Science curriculum allows me, as a nonscientific person, to easily grasp the concepts in the text.

This is so important because you need to keep an energetic, upbeat attitude to get your kids excited about science. These books are the best part of my homeschool science tools.

Apologia, a book and video curriculum that is Christian based. Although we have not personally used it, many of my friends have and they genuinely swear that it is hands-on fun and well done.

*Warning* Use precaution with science text

Please, use any science text as your base but be very observant with its perspective.

If you are raising your children with a Christian world view you do not want to turn them loose with a science text that is evolutionary-based.

To do that would be detrimental. You may as well not teach them the Bible. Because the macroevolutionary perspective is completely opposite of what the Bible teaches about creation.

Instead, learn from the perspective of the great scientist of old. See how they looked at science and God.

Such men like Copernicus, Kepler, Galilei, and many other highly respected scientists. You will be blessed to learn some of their conclusions about science and God’s hand in it.


Hands-on items

Magnifying glasses– These are part of the best fun homeschool Science tools list. Because to teach a fun science subject you will need many sizes of magnifying glasses.

Every child in the house will need one. There have been many times that two children wanted to look at something at the same time.

Boy, it was a struggle in patience for the kids. Everyone wanted to look at the specimen at the same time, which was impossible.

I even wanted to snatch the magnifying glass so that I could peer at a tomato worm or a twenty spot ladybugs. So you must have more than one.

Posterboard– These will come in handy for so many reasons. You will need poster board so the children can display their nature finds.

The kids will just have to illustrate what they have learned from the nature units you have given them

Foam board – Foam board is essential for mounting leaves and acorns or those creepy little critters brought in from your nature hikes.

Plain paper– Blank paper is a must. I can’t tell you how much paper my kids go through in a school year. They use it for everything you can think of.

Line paper– Of course notebook paper is essential. My children must have at least 10 notebooks books, each. Many are books that they have authored, waiting for me to edit.

More of the best fun homeschool science tools

3 x5 cards- You will love having these. I use them to create flashcards for a child that is struggling to comprehend something.

They become place holders for the books we are reading. I also use them to outline books that I am writing.

Glue – go to the dollar store and get all manners of glue. Glue sticks, glue bottles, glue whatever, trust me you won’t be sorry. Children love glue!

Color pencils, Crayons, lead pencils and erasers – Always have plenty of these things on hand. We usually get a 24 box of colored pencils for each child, their own crayons, lead pencils, and erasers.

One tip about pencils if you have multiple children, be sure to get their lead pencils in different colors.

This will eliminate so many squabbles over whose pencil it is because pink is pink.


Art supplies– The dollar store has everything that a young budding artist may need. You can find construction paper, pipe cleaners, glitter, cotton balls, googly eyes, and much more.
Every year I restock their art supplies and they can created until they are tired.
Flash cards– These sweet cards will help you drill your children in a fun, fast and specific subject. You can get cards from the dollars store on almost every subject too.
There are cards on animals, shapes, numbers, alphabet, addition, subtraction, on and on you go.

Websites, Books & Magazines

Ken Ham is the founder of Answers in Genesis organization.  His website offers 100’ds of creation resources to help you train your child in biblical thinking.

One resource set that my family loved is the ‘One blood book and curriculum. I highly recommend this resource for teaching your children about how one race is how God created man. 

Ken Ham’s organization also built the Creation Museum in Williamstown, Kentucky. The museum is built upon the biblical account of the creation of man. Although we have not been there physically, we have taken the virtual online tour.  You can experience it too, on the museum’s website

National Geographic

I absolutely love National Geographic magazines. One year my husband brought home over 100 of these magazines from his work.

When my kids were younger, they devoured these pages every day. We would spend hours flipping through the colorful pages.

I enjoyed the beautifully written articles and beautifully captured pictures of animals, people, and places.

Since the magazines were free to us, we cut out many of the awesome pictures for our art and science projects.

This enriched our science projects tremendously. Go out to your local good will or used bookstore and you are sure to find some of these magazines.

Although, you can find probably find many pictures of animals and people online today, young children still need physical books.

They must learn to find things and practice cutting out pictures for themselves. This will provide a whole different sensory feel for your young children.

Other books for Science

I know these are looked down upon by many today but they are one of the best fun homeschool Science tools that you can add to your home library.

Encyclopedias– This may seem like an old-fashioned resource, but you better believe it is essential. All children need to know how to find things in a book for themselves.

Nature guides –You can often find these at used bookstores if you want to have your own copies.  You may be able to check extras out from most libraries.

Kane Miller Pocket book series– My kids devour these little books every chance that they get. We actually own the Predators, Insects, and Dogs editions, yeah!

Informational Posters- 

Get these from dollar store or you can make the single topic ones yourself.

You don’t have to be an artist to make a simple eye chart, an ear chart or a hand. I drew these myself they weren’t perfect but the kids understood the picture.

We actually spent some days creating charts like these. I know this activity helped them to retain much of the information.

Hanging human anatomy charts on your basement walls is an excellent way to conveniently review.  

I have charts that label the human muscles and the skeleton hanging right where we have our workout area.

These charts are constantly in their focus and we can review them at any time.

Globe & World map – No worthy homeschool would ever be without these two resources. I get excited just looking at a globe or a world map, something about them creates wonder within me.

 Many times, I have witnessed my energy trickle down to my children as we searched for the geographical home of certain animals.

When you equip your home with the things that I mentioned above, you will equip your child’s heart, spirit and mind.

 Oh, to behold the twinkle in their eyes as you talk about the places they can go!


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HomeSchool Mom of 8