Simply Coding
November 10, 2022 Adrienne Brown 0 Comments
Simply Coding – An online Coding program for kids 11 to 18
Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
If you are looking for a homeschool computer science curriculum, I recommend checking out Simply Coding – an online, web based coding program for kids. They offer several that are sure to fit your families budget.
What it is
Simply coding is a great online coding class for kids. It is a self-paced program that allows your child to learn at his or her own comfort level.
The Simply Coding classes are easy to explore and have various popular courses for your child to explore.
Such as:
1. Web design
2. Javascript
3. Game Design
It doesn’t matter whether your child is an experienced coder or is brand new to coding, these classes will allow your kid to grow.
My daughter has been working through the JavaScript Game Design program. She has found it very interesting and well-presented.
The program has built in help, great hands-on practice, and thorough reviews. The reviews are designed to ensure that your child has the best learning experience possible.
Simply Coding’s Experienced Teachers
The instructors are highly skilled, experienced teachers. They are able to explain the coding process thoroughly, making it easy for the student to grasp.
When a child is new to coding, as my tenth-grade daughter, the teachers expert help is extremely valuable.
How the course is delivered
Each course is delivered via powerpoint, with additional visual explanation. Also, each slide has an accompanying video in which the teacher breaks down what the child has just learned.
One on one help
Most importantly, if your child requires more help on a specific matter, there is a safe chat box that gives them immediate one on one access to a teacher. This chat box only requires your child to enter their first name. Which made me relax about her being online.
My daughter uses it almost every time she is on the program, and the teacher is always very quick and responsive to answer her questions.
Very fast customer service for technical issues
Once, my child needed instruction on organizing her program folders, which are vital to her coding success. The teacher was quick to help. The teachers fast response, got my child going and back on track to coding the game she was working on.
Helpful tools and lots of hands on work
The video’s, chat boxes, and customer service are three great tools your child can use to ensure they get the most out of the program.
Simply Coding also provides extensive hands-on practice. Each lesson offers the child a chance to put into practice the concept that was just learned.
This challenging program encourages the child to use critical thinking to work through the process on their own. Providing problem solving hints so that the child can solve issues as they work out the concepts.
Rewards: progamming a Trivia game and a Pong game
After the child has successfully learned the concept and has had adquate practice, they are rewarded with a chance to code their own projects! This experience was very exciting for my daughter. Down below are 2 of her projects.
Trivia game
Practice makes perfect
As the saying goes, practice makes perfect and this online program provides plenty of practice material for your child to perfect the art of coding.
Simply Coding even teaches the child how to build their very own website. And get this, the website is where they can store all the projects and the video games that they created. That is a win in my book!
Quizzing the child’s coding knowledge
Lastly, the program provides your child, plenty of quizzes to see if they have really grasped the concepts taught.
At the end of each lesson, the child takes a quiz. The quizzes are not very hard, but challenging enough that your child is required to critically think through the learned concepts.
The quizzes all have about 5 questions, if your child doesn’t pass, not to worry! They can go back and retake the quizzes. So, what does this mean for them? It means that they will have to review the concepts, ensuring mastery, and only then can they move to the next lesson.
Testing the child’s mastery
At the end of each course, there is a test, with about fifteen questions, that is only taken once. This will show you if your child has really understood each concept.
Simply Coding is a program I would recommend to anyone with a homeschooled child who is interested in computer programming. It provides all the tools your child need to have a exciting, fun, and educational experience in the world of computer coding.
Check out the list of other Crew members that reviewed Simply Coding!