Does God speak through math?
November 9, 2022 Adrienne Brown 8 Comments
God does speak through math everyday
Yes, God does speak through Math and Science. In fact, this is how I came to discover this truth when the kids and I were doing our daily lessons. It’s a phenomenon out in the universe that is so profound to our everyday existence.
Without its power-generating activity, we would cease to exist. This fact alone causes me to think about the theological truth of God’s Word. “We are held together by Him”
Not just human life, but all of life. This is a phenomenon that can’t be seen with the naked eye. A power substance, that must be magnified so many times that it is a miracle that the elements were ever discovered in the first place.
Yet, God does speak through math with the use of some scientific principles and mathematical equations.
A brilliant scientist uncovered a magical world where God demonstrates His constant provision.
String Theory
A mind-blowing revelation known as “String Theory”.
Have you ever heard of such a thing? I know that I hadn’t heard of this theory until I happened upon a PBS program one night. This program was very intriguing, with its eye-popping visuals and well-explained theory.
Although I didn’t understand all the scientific components of the subject, I did focus on one aspect of this enlightening hypothesis. It was amazingly descriptive of theology taught in the Bible.
This math science only made me think of the theological teaching of Colossians 1.
Tiny Strings that holds life together
The narrator kept talking about these little vibrating elements that resembled tiny strings. Scientists have determined that everything in our universe is made up of theses vibrating strings and they have declared that our existences depended upon them.
One scientist explaination on how the “Atom” is held together by these tiny string-like entities.
Apparently, long ago in the early 1900 a young scientist discovered this theory while searching through some very old books.
Since then, many others have viewed all possible substances under high-powered magnification. After, magnifying the different matter, hundreds of times, this revealed a very peculiar movement.
These tiny objects, resembling strings, vibrated with lightning speed. It seems as though these little strings are the “glue” sorta speak that holds everything together.
Imagine that, now you know where my mind went with this theory.
Col 1:17 And He is before all things, and in Him, all things “HOLD TOGETHER”
I found this “Hypothesis” interesting, informative and faith building. Now, I’m sure that building my faith, was not the purpose of the show. Yet, God is always able to reveal to His children, what He wants them to know. Through the book of Colosians, God has already told us that these so-called strings, or the sustaining Spirit of God, does exist, indeed.
I know my take on it is elementary, but I think it is quite plain. View the program, decide for yourself.
Here is a point of view from a guy who does know and understand the theory scientifically:
For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountain of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries. God and the Astronomers (1992)pp.106-107
Although not entirely related, let me point you to another post that may interest you. Do you homeschool? Do you have kids who are interested in computer coding?, then you have got to check this post out!
chloe | boxwood avenue
March 31, 2016 - 5:00 am
Isn’t it interesting how He reveals himself to you? I have been working on trust! Beautiful post!
Adrienne Brown
March 31, 2016 - 11:22 am
Yes, Chloe I have found that since I have been in a relationship with the Lord He does reveal Himself in everything. It’s so profound to me. The trust thing can be very elusive with people, but sincerely concrete once you put it in Him. Let’s talk sometime! Thank you for the comment.
March 31, 2016 - 3:13 pm
Interesting read, I hadn’t paid so much attention to String theory in the past. Like how you have drawn parallels and put it in such simple words, deep!
xx, Kusum |
Adrienne Brown
March 31, 2016 - 4:46 pm
Wow, thanks for that comment. I hoped that it would be simple enough to understand,yet deep for the thinker in us.
Jennifer L. } Modern Chic
March 31, 2016 - 6:25 pm
Really interesting post. I find myself now wanting to read more on the subject.
Adrienne Brown
March 31, 2016 - 10:31 pm
Very interesting, you should. Watch the other videos It is a fun subject to learn about!
November 10, 2016 - 7:19 pm
Adrienne this is a great reminder of how he is both the beginning and the end. While there is often effort made to discount there being an existence there is no way around it. This is an awesome post and humbling indeed.
Adrienne Brown
November 11, 2016 - 1:11 pm
Thank you, Teresa! He is a humbling kinda God!