Sugar Composition Experiment
February 13, 2018 Adrienne Brown 0 Comments
This sugar composition experiment was an 8th-grade science
Watching the heat break down the elements of sugar was so fascinating and cool.
It was a surprise to see the sugar change as it did, a discovery that none of us expected. This experiment was really quite entertaining, as the
sugar bubbled and then change to a clear liquid.
I think that I was just as fascinated as my kids were that day.

This experiment provided us with a clear view of element separation.
We learned that sugar is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
This is our first attempt, which we realized was wrong because we should not have added water. So we had to start over again.

Once heated there was a formation of a black substance which was actually carbon.
The liquid formed was a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen.
you should try this experiment it was really easy but educational!