You’re the Potter and I am the Clay…
April 10, 2015 Adrienne Brown 0 Comments
Trusting in The LORD Of Host
satan and his demons are forever firing blazing darts at our efforts. Attempting to keep us from enjoying our Christian walk with our Lord and God.
1pet 5:8 – Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
(Now that reminds me of a few characters from our Lords Word)
Take Joshua for instance – Zech 3:1- Then he showed me Joshua the “High” priest standing before the Angel of the LORD, and satan standing at his right hand to oppose him…
* Notice that Joshua is serving as high priest, as these accusatory darts , are being fired at him.
* second, according to verse 8, Joshua could hear these lies
* But, the third and most devastating thing is, Joshua “was” dressed in sin
What about Moses – Ex3:1O – “Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt”
* Moses, Moses, Moses! He heard God call him. He heard God say” I will send you.” He heard God say “My People”
* Yet, he was filled with doubt and fear which made him question God’s power over Pharaoh.
Now, take a look at Mary Magdalene – Matt 26:7- 9- a woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His head as He sat at the table
* This lady was in a room with a lot of men, which was unheard of in those days
* secondly, she had a bad reputation. Now, I know she had to be facing tremendous doubt and fear, As she heard the whispers floating through the room.
* Immediately, the disciples rebuked her. To her face!!! Imagine that.
SO, *Just as they dealt with negative voices and doubt provoking
jeers, We will. *
Let us “Thank God,” For his promised protection!
Heb 4:15-16