Homeschooling Worry Monster
November 21, 2022 Adrienne Brown 2 Comments
Is the homeschooling worry monster after you?
The homeschooling worry monster attacked me when I first started to homeschool, nearly 25 years ago!
It’s why a surge of sadness comes over me when I hear these same sentiments coming from other young mothers that I speak with.
Moms who are at the beginning stages of homeschooling, or in the middle stage. Sometimes, she has been homeschooling for a few years. Yet, she still feels anxiety and inadequate, about many aspects of mothering and homeschooling.
I know this emotion because I felt it every time some well-meaning person asked me how I intend to cover every academic subject for my kids?
How would I make up for my shortcomings, my own inadequacies?
How would I socialize them?

Worry Monster Naysayers
Well, if I were in the same place today needing to answer those same inquiring homeschooling worry monsters. I would have steadfast answers, concrete evidence. I would demonstrate absolute confidence in our choice to homeschool.
But I’m not that scared, insecure, first time homeschooling mom anymore, and today I have answers just for you.
It hurts me to see the pain on a mom’s face because she feels like she isn’t enough. I want to stop that evil!

So, for the hurting moms who are hurting in secret, and for the moms who are frozen from fear of failure, let me give you some long-overdue advice.
If you are afraid that your child will miss out on some illusive educational opportunity.
There is no top-secret method found only in a traditional classroom
Don’t be worried! chase that ugly, horrible, homeschooling worry monster away from your life. Believe that you are equipped to help your child succeed in anything that he or she may want to do!
Do you hear me? You have what it takes! I didn’t say that you have to know everything about every subject, but you are equipped enough to make homeschooling work!
Do not let other people tell you that they have the best thing or that they’re the perfect person for your child.
Don’t believe the worry monster’s lies!
In the beginning, I followed these books:
What Your k through 5th graders Needs to Know, (Core Knowledge Series) by Hirsch Jr., E.D.
Using this series and the help of a few veteran homeschooling moms, I got through those elementary years!
Yes, when I first started homeschooling, I worried that maybe I wouldn’t be good enough. Thinking that I may leave out something that my children really needed to learn.
Since I didn’t have a college degree, I believed that everyone else was smarter than I was.
That’s why it is so important to align yourself with others who have taught their own children at home for awhile. These experienced moms can help you to understand that there is not one teacher in the world who knows everything.
We are not Ignorant
The homeschooling worry monster calls us ignorant, but ” Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.” – Will Rogers
Worrying about your shortcomings is not warranted, especially when there are so many resources at the tips of your fingers!
I have used the above-mentioned books, along with many other resources just like it. These resources are also available to you.
Over the years, I have hired other people to teach my children in subjects where I felt inadequate or lost.
There are expert teachers who offer their services to the homeschooling community, who are just waiting for you to reach out.
♥Oh yes, you must reach out. Don’t let fear keep you in isolation.♥
Ways to fight back
You must first be able to admit that you don’t know a particular subject well enough. This will help you to beat back the ugly, horrible, homeschooling worry monster.
The worry monster that bothered me was math! Once my kids got to Algebra 1, I found help, fast. I rented Algebra videos from Abeka books. Also, I used online resources or I paid for a live tutor.
Parental Involvement is key
Just remember that all parents struggle with their child’s education some time or another.
I have worked with a lot of students who went to public school all of their lives, and many of them exhibited holes in their academic knowledge.
But, the students that excelled had something in common!
Do you want to know what that was? The most common reason for the success of the children who were doing super well. Whether public school or home school, their success pivoted upon parental involvement?

Yes! the kids that had active, concerned, loving parents did the best in all school environments. If they had someone encouraging them forward, most flourished.
You must fight the homeschool worry monster

So, my point to you mom, while you are beating yourself up trying to fill all the shortcomings that you think you have.
Is, love your child, be committed to their well-being, spiritually, socially and academically!
YOU must fight for your child’s future while maintaining a healthy balance in your support of them. Always being sure to cheer them on as you help them to build character. Part of your parental job is to develop responsible individuals and to cultivate true humility.
So mom, don’t give up, you can do this! I did it! With all of my flaws in tow!
Worry Monster defeated
I was successful in raising my first 4 college students. My oldest son graduated with 2 degrees in Engineering, 2nd son has a degree in Criminal Justice and a minor in Strategic Intelligence!
The other 2 are working hard towards Business degrees. A senior & a sophomore. I have no doubt that they will come out successful, finishing the race.
The reason that I have shared the above with you is to encourage you to not give up. I am using these same methods to educate my 4 youngest, and it is going well.
Oh, yeah I still have days when the ugly, horrible, worry monster tries to sneak back into my mind. He tries to create worry and anxiety within me. Telling me that I am not good enough!
I just toss my head, up to the sky, thanking the Lord for carrying me all these years!
Chin up, mama!
By the way, If you want to read about my homeschool beginnings I wrote all about in my book. You can get it from Amazon, just click the book!
December 22, 2021 - 10:17 pm
This was what I needed to read. Thank you for these words they helped me to believe in myself.đź–¤
Adrienne Brown
December 31, 2021 - 8:58 am
Aah, I am so glad that my words helped you. I pray that you will always know that everything you need to do well is already inside you!